Eberstein, Áustria

Member since
1997O membro ainda não especificou datas de troca
House in Carinthia (Kärnten), South of Austria // Kärnten das südlichste Bundesland Österreichs
We live in the country side in Carinthia (Kärnten). "Kärnten" is the most southern region of Austria and a tourist resort (summer and winter), check: www.visitcarinthia.at, with lots of warm lakes for swimming and mountains for hiking. Kärnten is especially famous for the beautiful natur and the warm climate in the summer time, as we live south of the Alpes. We live more the easy going way of life like the Italians. Italy is only one hour drive away, so fine for a Cappucino or a good italian meal in Udine. Very near is also the Slovenian boarder, Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia is only 100 km away from us.
Our nearest airport is Klagenfurt (25 km), Ljubljana airport is 90 km away, Triest 200 km and Venice airport 300 km.
The hilly region behind our house is called "Saualpe", a place where you can find lonely paths for walking. If you are out for more action then the lake "Wörthersee" is the place to go, about half an hour drive (29 km) from our house and a hot spot tourism resort. But there are also other lakes for swimming within 15 km of our house. In general: "Kärnten", the most southern region of Austria, where we live, is a tourist resort (summer and winter), check on: www.visitcarinthia.at.
Our house is built in an open manor, open into the first floor with view from there on the pool billiard table and fireplace on the ground floor. For this reason the house is not suitable for small children.
Kärnten ist das südlichste Bundesland Österreichs, liegt südlich der Alpen und ist bekannt für seine wunderschöne Natur und das warme Klima; dies lockt Jahr für Jahr viele Touristen in die Region (Sommer wie Winter), nähere Informationen unter: www.kaernten.at. Italien ist nur eine Autostunde entfernt, gut für einen Cappucino in Udine. Auch die Slowenische Grenze ist ganz nah, Ljubljana, die Hauptstadt Sloweniens ist nur 100 km von uns entfernt.
Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Klagenfurt (25 km), der Flughafen Ljubljana ist 90 km entfernt, Flughafen Triest 200 km und Venedig 300 km.
Unser Haus liegt am Lande am Fuße der Saualpe, ein Wandergebiet mit sanften Hügeln und Almen. Im Umkreis von 15 km gibt es Seen zum Baden. Der Wörthersee, ein sehr beliebtes Tourismusgebiet, liegt 29 km von uns entfernt (Auto 30 Min.).
Unser Haus hat eine offene Bauart, offen in den 1. Stock mit Blick hinunter in den Eingang mit Billardtisch und offenem Kamin. Durch diese offene Bauart in den 1. Stock ist das Haus für Kleinkinder nicht geeignet.
A nossa família
- 2 Adultos
- 0 Crianças
- 11 Trocas efetuadas
- Pensionistin - retired
- Pensionist - retired
O nosso imóvel
- Tipo: Casa
- Andar: 1
- Localização: No campo
- Quartos: 3
- W.C.: 1
- N.º de pessoas que podem dormir: 5
- Área útil: 220 m2
- Área Total: 2400 m2
Referências de trocas efetuadas
Na minha casa
- Animais de estimação - Não permitido
- Crianças pequenas - Não permitido
Tipos de troca
- Procura quem receba hóspedes
- Troca não simultânea
- Troca de casa
- Troca de hospitalidade
- Acesso à internet sem custos
- Lareira
- Brinquedos e jogos
- Máquina de lavar roupa
- Máquina de lavar louça
- Televisão
- Jardim
- Terraço
- Varanda
- Churrasqueira
- Carro necessário
- Uso/troca de carro
Destinos pretendidos
- Aberto a todas as ofertas
- Inglês
- Francês
- Alemão
- Pensionistin - retired
- Pensionist - retired
- Não temos crianças.
Animais de estimação
- Não temos animais de estimação
Texto de apresentação da família
Wir sind ein reisefreudiges, unkompliziertes Ehepaar mit Reisen in alle Kontinente. Unsere 3 Töchter gehen bereits ihre eigenen Wege und wohnen nicht mehr zu Hause, d.h. sie reisen kaum mehr mit uns.
We are an easy going couple who loves travelling around the world. Our three daugthers have already left the house and go their own way, which means they do not travel often with us anymore.