Terms of Use — Intervac Trust Agreement
Última atualização: 18 de Maio de 2018
Bem vindo ao Intervac!
Ao usar o site da Intervac como Membro (conforme definido neste documento), você concorda em cumprir as regras estabelecidas nestes Termos. POR FAVOR, LEIA ESTES TERMOS COM ATENÇÃO. Se você não concorda com estes Termos ou com a nossa Política de Privacidade, não use o site ou qualquer um dos serviços prestados pela Intervac.
Princípios básicos
Só pode usar o site se tiver pelo menos 18 (dezoito) anos de idade.
Trabalhamos constantemente para melhorar nossos serviços e desenvolver novos recursos para tornar nosso site melhor para cada Membro e para a nossa comunidade. Como resultado, podemos precisar atualizar estes Termos para refletir com precisão os nossos serviços e práticas. A menos que de outra forma exigido por lei, tais mudanças tornar-se-ão aplicáveis a quem continuar a usar o Website após tais alterações serem publicadas. Iremos notificá-lo sobre quaisquer alterações feitas a estes Termos, alterando a data da "Última Atualização" na parte superior destes Termos. Reveja as alterações e, se não concordar com elas, pare de usar o site.
Member Code of Conduct
You must be fair and honest in your dealings with Intervac and other Members. In particular :
- O Membro deve garantir que a casa oferecida para troca seja descrita e ilustrada de forma completa e precisa na respetiva ficha;
- You must ensure any Negotiation with other Members is conducted in good faith with an intent of completing a Home Exchange as Paid member
- You must be open, truthful, fair and reasonable in all such Negotiations;
- O Membro deve ser cortês e educado em todas as negociações e contactos com outros membros e deve responder a todos os pedidos (positivamente ou negativamente).
- Você não publicará nem enviará aos Membros nenhum conteúdo, como texto ou fotos, que possa ser ilegal, ofensivo, discriminatório, fraudulento ou que viole os direitos de outra pessoa (incluindo, mas não limitado a direitos de propriedade intelectual e direitos de privacidade e publicidade)
- Você não pode enviar vírus ou códigos maliciosos, ou fazer qualquer coisa que possa desativar, sobrecarregar ou prejudicar o bom funcionamento ou a apresentação do nosso site.
- You may not access or collect data from our Website using automated means or attempt to access data that you do not have permission to access.
- You must keep confidential at all times all information obtained on the Website and all other information obtained from Members.
You may not act in a manner that brings Intervac into disrepute.
Intervac reserves the right to cancel any membership for any reason, including, but not limited to, violations of these Terms of Use or Privacy Policy. This cancellation will be done at our discretion, without refund.
A sua ficha
You must ensure that
- the Property is available for exchange
- the Property is clean, cleaned and tidy
- the Property presents no risk to its occupants
- the Property contains all the facilities described in its Listing in perfect working condition.
Your Property should be fully insured for fire, theft, burglary and accidental damage. If this is not the case, you need to inform your Exchange Partner in writing before the exchange agreement is signed.
If a motor vehicle is offered for exchange
- Você deve garantir que o veículo oferecido para troca esteja em boas condições de funcionamento e em conformidade com todos os requisitos legais aplicáveis.
- Você deve garantir que o veículo esteja coberto de forma abrangente por um seguro, exceto se acordado de outra forma com o Parceiro de troca.
Respect for Property
Members must ensure that they respect each others' Property at all times and in particular;
- You must ensure that you will keep your Exchange Partners’ Property reasonably secure at all times and comply with the terms of any applicable insurance policies and with requests communicated to them by the owner;
- Você aceita a responsabilidade por qualquer dano não segurado causado por si à propriedade de troca, mesmo que negligentemente.
Você deve garantir que todos os animais de estimação estão, tanto quanto saiba, livre de vermes, parasitas e pulgas, vacinados,limpos e não apresentando riscos para a saúde.
You must also ensure that areas of the Property to which pets have access are cleaned.
Você deve tratar dos animais de estimação com o maior cuidado, seguindo padrões elevados.
Responsibility for negotiations
You are solely responsible for all negotiations for Home Exchange with other Members.
Quaisquer divergências decorrentes do uso do site devem ser resolvidos entre os membros que participaram diretamente na Troca.
Intervac will offer to mediate disagreements between members without assuming any responsibility for subsequent resolution or failure to resolve.
O Intervac pode cancelar ou suspender, temporária ou permanentemente, a inscrição de quaisquer membros que tenham sido alvo de uma queixa por parte de outro membro. Nenhum reembolso será dado no caso de tal suspensão ou cancelamento.
Exchange Guarantee
We are so confident you will find an Exchange Partner that if, within the first year of listing your Property with us, you don't complete a Home Exchange; we will extend your membership for free for another year. This guarantee does not apply in the case of cancellation of an exchange agreement (whatever the reason) and/or in the event of force majeure.
Para esta garantia se aplicar:
- You must have posted your Listing, fully completed with photos and descriptive texts, and it must be «open for exchange».
- You must have sent at least fifty exchange requests to other members.
- You must notify your National Representative of your intent to claim your free extension before the end of your membership.
Cancelamento de uma Troca
Para cancelar um Acordo de Troca já assinado, o Membro TEM de apresentar uma razão válida e séria, como morte, doença ou outras circunstâncias imprevistas e que estejam para além do controle do Membro.
You must inform your National Representative before cancellation of an Exchange Agreement including the reasons for the cancellation. This must be done as soon as the need to cancel the Exchange Agreement arises.
You are responsible for any costs incurred by your Exchange Partner as a result of cancellation without reason considered valid by the National Representative and your membership might be terminated.
Liability limitations
Intervac is only responsible for publishing home listings of its members on the Site.
Intervac Home Exchanges are based on mutual trust. Intervac does not verify the existence or content of any Property and is not responsible for the accuracy of the home listings or the actions of members, and claims no responsibility for the accuracy, content, or availability of information accessed or linked to through use of this service.
Intervac cannot be held responsible for any events that occur as a result of any Exchange.
To the fullest extent permitted by law we and our representatives, hereby disclaim all liability for any loss, cost or damage (direct, indirect, consequential ,or otherwise) suffered by you as a result of your use of our Website
Availability and termination
Os Membros podem marcar a sua ficha como "Disponível" ou "Não disponível" a qualquer momento e sem custo, fazendo login e escolhendo essa opção no seu Painel de controlo.
Should a member choose to terminate their membership, they may do so by using the Profile Deletion tool available in the "Useful links" section of their dashboard.
Refunds will not be given when members terminate their membership.
“Active membership” means the status of a Trial Member, Paid Member or Expired Member that has logged in to the site in the past year or that has not reach its expiry date.
“Exchange” means the act of making your home or other accommodation (as described in your “Listing”) available to your “Exchange Partner”. In return, your “Exchange Partner” will make his home or other accommodation available to you. This may happen at the same time or not.
“Exchange agreement” means the agreement between you and your “Exchange Partner” established using the “Website”
“Exchange Partner” means a “Member” with whom you “Exchange”.
“Host Member” means a “Member” offering the use of his or her property to another “Member” pursuant to an “Exchange” agreed to in accordance with these terms.
“Hosted Member” means a “Member” using the property belonging to a “Host Member” pursuant to an Exchange agreed to in accordance with terms.
“Guest” means a person that uses the Website but that is not a Member.
“Listing” means the presentation of a “Property” in the “Website”. Each “Listing” has a unique identification number on the Website.
“Expired member” is a person who had a membership with Intervac but the expiry date for this membership has been reached.
“Member” is a Paid member or a Trial member.
"Negotiation" means any negotiation conducted orally or in writing, including, but not limited to, using Website messages and e-mail.
“Paid member” is a person who has a paid membership with Intervac that has not reached its expiry date.
"Pet" means a dog, cat or other pet and includes any animal or bird that might occupy a Member's property, garden or surroundings.
“Property” means any property published on the Website by a Member. Properties may include, without limitation, homes, townhomes, flats, condominiums, apartments, boats, recreational vehicles (RV), and any type of property which can reasonably be expected to provide a nightly accommodation and which you have the legal and contractual right to offer.
"Representative" and "National Representative" means an Agent or Organiser of Intervac in a specific country or region.
“Trial member” is a person who has a free membership with Intervac that has not reached its expiry date.
“Website” means the internet website available at www.intervac-homeexchange.com and all connected home exchange services managed by Intervac International.
“Nós” e o “Clube” significa Intervac; e
“Você” significa qualquer Membro ou Visitante que usa qualquer um dos Sites e / ou aceda os serviços do Clube.
References to the plural include references to the singular and vice versa.
References to any gender include references to all other genders.
Headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of any Rule.